The Scientific Theories Why Birds Wake Up And Chirp So Early

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Saturday, May 25, 2024

With all that silence during the early morning hours, birds took it upon themselves to fill it with noise, but that's what makes it such a great time to start singing. According to The Spruce, during other times of day, birds have to compete with an array of other sounds — like insect noises or even traffic — for audial bandwidth. According to the National Science Foundation, noise pollution can cause a problem for birds. It has been found that birds living in quieter, forested areas have a higher sensitivity to noise.

"Although birds live in the same world we do, they experience it in a profoundly different way — they see and hear better than humans, and are more sensitive to increased light and noise," said Doug Levey, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology. Meanwhile, birds living in loud areas, but who have songs and calls that are at a lower frequency and can't cut through the other noises, tend to nest later than usual. A nice, quiet morning when most of the world is asleep can help circumvent that problem.
